Quilted Hammocks
A quilted hammock is among the most comfortable hammocks on the market, since it combines the concepts of a hammock with extra padding via a layer of batting for additional lounging pleasure. Our quilted hammocks are invariably popular with our customers and hammockists. Whether you’re looking to create a backyard sanctuary for afternoon naps or want to bask in the sun and soak up some rays, the quilted hammock ensures you do so in body-beckoning style.
Advantages of Quilted Hammocks
Other than the obvious comfort factor, quilted hammocks also have the advantage of (usually) being made of a solid piece of fabric. This means that there are no stitching gaps or rope holes, which can be an attractive feature for families with small children. In addition, many quilted hammocks have a reversible design, so you can flip the hammock from one side to the other to avoid uneven wear.
Most quilted hammocks have a spreader-bar design. This prevents the sides of the hammock from cocooning around you as you lay, so you enjoy a more expansive resting area.
Our quilted hammocks are made from fast drying all weather polyester.
Installing Your Quilted Hammock
Like other hammock types, quilted hammocks can be installed in a variety of ways, depending on your personal preference. Many people like to use a hammock stand with their quilted hammocks, which makes it easy to use the hammock on a porch or patio. You can also opt for hanging it from two trees, which gives you the Gilligan’s Island effect, or even hang it from a supporting beam on a porch; we sell special hanging tools for all these applications, so you’re never out of the loop when it comes to the DIY part of getting your quilted hammock into service.
Our Deluxe Quilted Hammock
Our deluxe quilted hammock is among the most popular products we offer. This hammock has a double design, so you can share it with a friend, and polyester construction, so it weathers the outdoors with beautiful ease. Our hammock has wooden spreader bars, so it stays open while you lounge, and it comes with a neckroll pillow, which we think is a nice touch for long napping sessions when you need to get your “me” time in.